Wk 8 // February 24 & 25

February 24 & 25, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.

Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • Whose marriage have you looked up to most over the years?  
  • How did you know (or will you know) it is the right time and person to marry?

Few things can bring more joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment to life than a healthy marriage.  Unfortunately, the opposite is true of an unhealthy marriage.  This means that God’s plan for a healthy Christian marriage cannot have its importance overstated.  Whether you’re married, hope to be, or have no desire to be, understanding God’s will for this covenant and knowing how to communicate that to those you’re discipling is a key aspect of spiritual maturity and wisdom.

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

  • What does it mean for a married couple to become “one flesh”?
  • What do you think God would define as the perfect marriage?  Give as much detail as possible.

Perfection is the center of the target at which we aim as Christians.  We won’t hit it all the time.  Some of us rarely even come close to it this side of Heaven.  However, that doesn’t mean we stop acknowledging where the center is and aiming directly at it all the days of our lives.  

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Ephesians 4:22-27 
  • What is the most significant change in your life since you began following Jesus?
  • In what ways is God working on you so that you can have the best relationships and marriage possible?

All of our relationships in life will be hindered or enhanced proportionate to the quality of the most important relationship in our lives - Jesus.  As Jesus says in Matthew 6, go after the best relationship possible with God, embracing His desire for your life, and everything else will turn out in a way that ultimately God will use for greatness.  

  • What is one specific thing you can do this week to be a better follower of Jesus?
  • If you’re married (or hope to be someday), what is one thing you can do to be (or prepare to be) a better spouse this week?

Pray that God would draw you closer to Him and do the same for your current or future spouse.