Wk 2 // January 18 & 19

January 18 & 19, 2025
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • Who is the best peacemaker you know and what about them causes so much peace for those around them?
  • What is a time in your life when you experienced more peace (both internal and external) than any other time you can remember?

Pastor Mike spoke at length this week about the importance of being a peacemaker.  This is a required goal for all who seek to take hold of the better life through Jesus.  Navigating toward that end takes some guidance and tact.  That is exactly what God, through Scripture, offers us!

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Ephesians 4:14-16 
  • What experience or practice has caused you to grow most and quickest in your faith as you’ve walked with Jesus?
  • Do you lean toward the side of truth or love?  In other words are you more likely to be too soft and neglect stating the hard facts or are you more likely to neglect stating things with gentility and tact?

One of the many benchmarks for maturing in your walk with Jesus is how you begin to view and interact with those around you.  Specifically, seeking to communicate what God would have communicated in the same loving way God would have it communicated.  Doing this or failing to do this can be the exact cause of peace or tension in our relationships.

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  2 Corinthians 5:18-20 
  • What does it look like in your daily life for you to have the “ministry of reconciliation”?
  • Which do you have an easier time practicing in your daily life and why?...  (1)  Being reconciled to people with whom you’ve had conflict, or (2)  helping others be reconciled to God?

Is there anything that can bring more peace into our lives and our relationships than pursuing and achieving reconciliation? Doubtful!  Venturing to set things right and as they should be is what the Bible, in original Hebrew, calls “shalom”.  This is a word that means that things are as they should be and it is translated as peace.  May we pursue shalom through reconciliation.

  • What is one person you are going to work on being reconciled with this week and what is your plan?
  • Who are you praying for the opportunity to help them be reconciled to God and what is something you can do this week to work toward that?

Pray that God would help you to view those around you with HIS love and HIS truth as you look for opportunities for reconciliation.