July 31 - Aug 6 - Daily Scripture
[click on a scripture to read it]
Sunday: Exodus 20:1-17
Monday: Matthew 6:25-34
Tuesday: 2 John 1
Wednesday: Luke 9:21-27
Thursday: 2 Kings 4:1-7
Friday: Matthew 16:21-28
Saturday: Ecclesiastes 12
Sunday: Exodus 20:1-17
- Which of the 10 Commandments do you struggle with the most?
- What is an idol and how do idols impact our relationship with God?
- Why is God a jealous God? Is there anything in your life you feel might make God jealous?
Monday: Matthew 6:25-34
- What do you find yourself worrying about the most?
- How has God provided for you in the past?
- How does seeking God first change your view on life?
Tuesday: 2 John 1
- Verse 6 – Why is it so necessary for love and obedience to be connected to one another?
- Verse 9 – What do you think it means and looks like to “run ahead” of God?
- How can you better walk in step with Jesus this week?
Wednesday: Luke 9:21-27
- How did you personally lose your life in order for Jesus to save your life?
- In what ways are you denying yourself daily in order to walk closer with Jesus?
- What thing(s) has God been nudging you to let go of in order to better follow Him?
Thursday: 2 Kings 4:1-7
- What do you find most surprising or impressive about this story?
- God used what little this woman already had to perform a miracle. What do you have that God could use to do awesome things in your life?
- Why do you think it was so important that this woman had to take an active role in collecting jars, pouring oil and selling oil? What does that mean for the miracles you want God to do in your life?
Friday: Matthew 16:21-28
- Why does Jesus rebuke Peter?
- Has there been a time in your life where your good intentions were actually a stumbling block to someone else?
- What makes the difference between good intentions and living correctly?
Saturday: Ecclesiastes 12
- What does it mean to “remember your Creator” during the really difficult seasons of life?
- What do think it means to “fear God and keep His commandments” in your life today?
- Do you have “hidden things” that you and God should talk about today?