Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling is talk therapy that combines empathy, applicable practices,
 and your faith in Jesus as a way to provide clarity, healing and hope
for the difficult things in life.  

Do you need to talk to someone?
* Pastoral counselors are not board certified counselors or medical professionals.


There are many local professional counseling opportunities.  Please reach out to any of these providers when necessary.

New Creation Counseling Center

The mission of New Creation Counseling Center is to provide outpatient mental health counseling and psychiatric medication services to all those in need, regardless of their ability to pay.


WellSpring offers counseling, support and programs for adults and children, individuals and families, designed to improve relationships and empower a better you.

Chris Lemaster

Non judgmental. Solution Focused. Person centered.

Grace Counseling Inc.

Our goal is to come along side our clients with godly counsel and walk with you to restore healing and hope so you may live life in peace and joy more abundantly.