August 14 - 20 - Daily Scripture
[click on a scripture to read it]
Sunday: Exodus 20:2-13
Monday: Ephesians 6:1-9
Tuesday: Romans 13:1-10
Wednesday: Philemon 1
Thursday: 1 Samuel 24:1-22
Friday: Psalm 32:1-11
Saturday: Matthew 5:17-26
Sunday: Exodus 20:2-13
- We are now in week three of our “Top 10” series. What new insights have you gained about these verses?
- How have you struggled to honor your parents in your past or current phase of life?
- How is God helping you to live out one of these commands that you have struggled with?
Monday: Ephesians 6:1-9
- Why does God call us to honor our parents even if we feel they are unworthy of honor?
- What is God calling you to add or subtract from your life in order to be a parent or role model who is worthy of honor?
- What can you do this week to honor your parents (or honor their memory if they have passed)?
Tuesday: Romans 13:1-10
- What does it look like in your current life circumstances to “love your neighbor as yourself” as described in this passage?
- Why does God tell us to submit to the governmental authority over us?
- In what ways can you show you follow Jesus by being a better citizen this week?
Wednesday: Philemon 1
- Who is Philemon and Onesimus and what is their relationship to Paul?
- How does Paul show respect and love to both men in his letter to Philemon?
- How can you be a peace maker or bridge builder in your relationships?
Thursday: 1 Samuel 24:1-22
- King Saul pursued and attempted to kill the next anointed King of Israel, David. Why didn’t David kill Saul when he had the chance?
- Why was David conscience-stricken after he cut off a piece of Saul’s robe?
- When you are in conflict with others what is your attitude? In other words, do you feel the need to retaliate as the David’s men encouraged him to do or do you have the attitude of peace maker that David had?
Friday: Psalm 32:1-11
- Have you asked God for forgiveness, what does it feel like to experience God’s grace?
- How have you addressed doubts about God’s grace and forgiveness (verse 1&2)?
- Spend time today talking to God about anything you think you may be avoiding talking to Him about (verse 5).
Saturday: Matthew 5:17-26
- How are you (or have you) at times guilty of “setting aside” some of the commands of God?
- Ask God how you are currently doing when it comes to harboring anger toward others?
- If there is someone in your life that you know is angry with you, what are some practical ways you can build bridges this week to possibly healing that relationship?