Aug 28 - Sep 3 - Daily Scripture
[click on a scripture to read it]
Sunday: James 3:13-18
Monday: Philippians 2:1-11
Tuesday: Psalm 62
Wednesday: Joshua 7
Thursday: Matthew 4:1-11
Friday: Jonah 1
Saturday: Jonah 2
Sunday: James 3:13-18
- What is something you are envious of? What is something you are thankful for?
- Why do you think humility is a sign of wisdom?
- Find an opportunity to bring peace into a situation today!
Monday: Philippians 2:1-11
- Which qualities mentioned in this passage do you have the most difficulty with and why?
- How well do the ideas from vs. 3 & 4 blend with the modern American lifestyle?
- What are some ways you could do a better job of living as Paul describes here?
Tuesday: Psalm 62
- What was happening in your life the last time you were so overwhelmed that you physically shook?
- How good are you at trusting Jesus to be your rock and your salvation? What could you do to get better?
- What does verse 10 teach us about where we should put our identity?
Wednesday: Joshua 7
- This story picks up as Joshua is leading the Israelite from battle to battle to claim the lands God had promised them.
- Why did the Israelites lose the battle in this story?
- Why did Achan take the “devoted things”?
- When was the last time you had to own up for a mistake you had made?
Thursday: Matthew 4:1-11
- What was Jesus doing in the desert?
- How does the quality of your connection to God impact your level of temptation?
- Jesus responds to Satan with Scripture. Try memorizing two Scriptures this week.
Friday: Jonah 1
- What is the most “supernatural” thing you have ever seen God do?
- What did God ask and what did Jonah do?
- Why do you think the crew was more concerned with sparing Jonah than Jonah was?
Saturday: Jonah 2
- What stands out most to you about Jonah’s prayer inside of the big fish?
- What is a time when you were able to praise God even though life circumstances were difficult?
- How can you better praise God today?