Oct 30 - Nov 5 - Daily Scripture

[tap on a scripture to read it]

Sunday:  2 Timothy 4:1-8
  • How does it look for you to “be prepared in season and out of season”?
  • How can you do better at doing “the work of an evangelist”?
  • What can you be doing now to ensure at the end of your life that you can say you “kept the faith”?
Monday:  Matthew 28:16-20
  • What does it mean to you and your life that Jesus has “all authority”?
  • How is making “disciples” different from just telling someone about Jesus?
  • Spend some time praying that Jesus would remind you that He is with you today.

Tuesday:  1 John 4:13-21
  • What does it mean when it says “God is love”?
  • How can you show people what God is like today?
  • Looking back, how can you see that God loved you before you loved Him?

Wednesday:  Psalm 78:1-8
  • How are you making sure the next generation knows about Jesus?
  • How did the people before you make sure you knew about Jesus?
  • If someone was especially integral in you knowing Jesus, send them a thank you note or thank God for them if they have passed away.

Thursday:  1 Corinthians 9:19-27
  • How are you doing at meeting people where they are in life to show them Jesus?
  • What was the last time you got completely outside of your comfort zone to share Jesus with someone?
  • Pray that God would show you someone today that needs to hear that He loves them.

Friday:  Acts 11:19-30
  • What is a time when God used something negative happening in your life to help you share Jesus?
  • What does it look like for someone to be “a good person full of the Holy Spirit and faith”?
  • How is generosity connected to spreading the good news about Jesus?

Saturday:  Isaiah 6:1-8
  • Why do you think the angels were covering their faces while they worshiped God?
  • Put yourself in Isaiah’s shoes, how would you feel in this situation?
  • Using the metaphor of the burning coal; how does God taking away your sin hurt sometimes?

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