SEPT 30 & OCT 1

Parent / Child Discussion
Sept 30 & Oct 1
[tap on scripture to read it]
Bible Story:
Solomon Asks for Wisdom // 1King 2:1-12
Ask Your Child:
"What did Soloman ask for? What would YOU ask for?"
Bible Story:
The Kingdom Divided // 1 King 11:1 - 12:24
Ask Your Child:
"Why do you think the nation of Israel was torn in two?"
Sept 30 & Oct 1
[tap on scripture to read it]
Bible Story:
Solomon Asks for Wisdom // 1King 2:1-12
Ask Your Child:
"What did Soloman ask for? What would YOU ask for?"
Bible Story:
The Kingdom Divided // 1 King 11:1 - 12:24
Ask Your Child:
"Why do you think the nation of Israel was torn in two?"
Posted in Kidsway Connect