Wk 1 // December 2 & 3

December 2 & 3, 2023
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • How is your Christmas shopping going?  
  • Who is the most difficult person to buy for this year?

As we enter the Christmas season, it is normal to experience a wide range of emotions.  Some of us find it easy to dive headlong into the whimsy and joy that comes to so many this time of year.  But many of us process difficult emotions that come with a stressful or nostalgic time of year.  Regardless of where you find yourself emotionally this season, God has a plan to bring you close to his heart this Christmas if you’re willing.

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

  • How have you experienced God being your refuge during a difficult period of life?
  • How can you tell when you’re relying on God’s strength versus your own strength?

We were never meant to navigate this life alone.  We have been gifted people to walk with us, but even that was never meant to be enough.  We were designed for a relationship with our Creator.  Through the good times and the bad, we are called to lean into him and draw the strength needed to endure and push forward.

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Psalms 46:7-11 
  • In your mind, what is the difference between using the word “refuge” in vs. 1 and using the word “fortress” here?
  • What do you think might look different in your life right now if you were regularly treating God as your fortress?

When life gets us down and we feel like we don’t have enough strength to fight any more… our God will fight for us!  We serve an amazing God who cannot be defeated.  If God is for us, who can be against us?

  • What is one thing you can commit to doing this week to improve the quantity and quality of time you spend with God?
  • Are you going through anything this Christmas season where you need to allow God to be your refuge, strength, and fortress?  Pray for one another.

Pray that God would transform the time you spend with him this Christmas season.