Wk 3 // April 20 & 21

April 20 & 21, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • Who are the most optimistic and the most pessimistic fictional characters?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how optimistic of a person are you?  (1 = everything is bad all the time, 5 = even the tornado clouds have a silver lining!)

Attitude is where most battles in life can take a turn for the better or for the worse.  What you pay most attention to, will soon affect your trajectory and ability to succeed in your goals.  This is why God so often addresses in Scripture the importance of things like our thoughts, attitudes, and faith.  

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  1 Timothy 6:6-10 
  • What does true contentment look like to you?
  • What most threatens your growth in contentment and character building that you are working on with God’s help?

Let’s be honest… life goes off the tracks sometimes.  No matter how well we seek to be prepared, sometimes we are knocked sideways.  It is so easy to fall into a pattern of hopelessness and complaining.  Unfortunately, those just don’t help… at all!  God loves us enough to draw us toward an attitude of faith, gratitude, and contentment.  This is absolutely for our good!

  • How does someone praise God regardless of life’s circumstances?
  • When was a time you struggled to show God praise and thanksgiving, but God still remained faithful?

Taking our eyes off of the problems of life and placing them firmly focused on the only real solution to everything is the absolute best first step to take in navigating all of life’s problems.  We don’t praise God because life is going great.  We praise God because he loves us more than we will ever know, he always has a plan to get us to his best will for our lives, and he will never fail us.  Hope is found only in our loving Heavenly Father.  And for that we praise him!

  • What is one thing you are going to try doing this week to build greater Godly character?
  • What are your top 5 things you’re going to praise God for each day this week?

Pray that God would help you focus more on him and his plans for your life throughout this week.