Wk 6 // June 22 & 23

June 22 & 23, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • Other than spiritual stuff, what has been the most significant life change you’ve experienced since becoming an adult?
  • How do you view the world differently as an adult versus how you viewed it as a child?

Life changes us… and not always for the better.  We observe more and more as the years pass.  Experiences impact our hearts, minds, and bodies.  We become very different people as we add to ourselves and subtract from ourselves.  This process is something God isn’t just aware of… He’s planned for it!

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

  • What have you found to be most difficult to leave behind from your “BC” (Before Christ) life?
  • What has been the biggest change to your thoughts and the way you perceive the world since beginning to follow Jesus?

The life change we experience as we forsake our former ways and turn to Jesus is absolutely amazing.  However, it pales in comparison to to heart change that occurs as the old self is put to death and Jesus makes us new.  He removes our heart of stone a replaces it with a soft, beating, alive heart that beats God’s rhythms in our daily lives.

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Isaiah 55:10-13 
  • What does it mean in your life that God’s words will not return empty?
  • How has God given you peace and joy in the midst of some of the most troubling of circumstances?

As God gifts us his Holy Spirit, we are given the gifts of the Spirit.  This starts with his love, and then we proceed to gain joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. etc..  This is all because Jesus promised to make us new.  He heals that which is broken, prejudiced, cruel, etc., and gives us the more abundant life!

  • Who have you probably neglected/avoided and are going to go out of your way to show the love of Jesus to this week?
  • NOT A TIME TO TALK ABOUT POLITICS… BUT INSTEAD, THE CONDITION OF YOUR OWN HEART:  How are you going to avoid hardening your heart toward those you disagree with (or have been uncomfortable around) as we enter a highly volatile political season in our country?

Pray that God would soften your heart giving you an abundance of peace and joy this week as you share his love with those around you.