Wk 3 // August 17 & 18

August 17 & 18, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • What is your fondest memory of a dinner party or gathering of close friends?
  • If you were hosting a dinner party that ANYONE throughout human history would attend if invited… who would you invite and why?

Being in a room to socialize and celebrate with people whom we value greatly is a meaningful and valuable occasion.  When we are privileged to attend such a gathering, we prioritize, prepare, and eagerly anticipate the occasion.  May we be equally as excited to attend the soiree God has planned for us!

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

  • What are some of the excuses you’ve heard from people as to why they don’t come to church and/or follow Jesus?  How do you respond to these?
  • What excuses do you sometimes use for not spending the time with God that you know you should?

Reasons and excuses… two similar things that are definitely not the same.  We all have reasons why spending time with God is difficult and seems at times to be impossible.  We’ve all heard many reasons why others don’t follow Jesus or can’t bring themselves to darken the doorway of the church.  But reasons are NOT excuses.  All who have heard the Gospel of Jesus preached biblically are without excuse as to why they don’t attend the banquet and embrace the Lord.

  • What is a meaningful story you’ve heard or experienced of an unlikely person turning their life around and following Jesus?
  • Share your two minute testimony of how you came to Christ and the difference it’s made in your life.

Praise God for sending people to call out to us from whatever corner of existence we found ourselves before Jesus!  Our road to the banquet may have been tough, lonely, fraught with danger, but our guide was dilligent, unwavering and long suffering.  

  • Who is most responsible for you coming to know Jesus?  How will you reach out and show appreciation for them this week?
  • Who is God laying on your heart to invite to church and tell them about Jesus?  What’s your plan for moving closer to inviting them this week?

Pray that God would break your heart for those who are far from him and open new doors for you to share your faith and invite people to church.