Wk 4 // August 24 & 25

August 24 & 25, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • Time, talent, treasure… which category do you feel like God has most blessed you with throughout your adult life?  Why do you say that?
  • Who is the most generous person you know and what makes them so generous?

We have all been blessed with good gifts from God.  From the time in history we were born into, the country we’ve lived in, to the opportunities we’ve been allotted… we have been blessed.  That doesn’t, however, mean that we are always quick to notice our blessings and capitalize on them.  Life gets hard.  Blessings FEEL few and far between.  But God is GOOD!

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

  • Is it better to be rich and stingy or poor and sinful?  Defend your answer!
  • Time, talent, or treasure… in which area do you struggle most to be generous?

At times, we are all prone to being stingy with one or more of the areas in which God has trusted us.  Sometimes, we just don’t feel like we have time to give.  Sometimes, the same can be said of our money and resources.  And as far as talents, insecurities abound when being vulnerable and using our talents to minister to others.  Regardless of our reasoning for a more miserly approach to life, God desires better for us than that!

  • If you found yourself in the rich man’s shoes in this story, who are the top 3 people you’d want to get a message to NOT including your spouse and children?
  • How do you believe you can be sure that you will not find yourself in this rich man’s shoes at the end of your life?

Talk about an unpleasant surprise, right?  Thank God that he has already given us the warnings we need to avoid the greedy life and embrace the generous life where we use what God has trusted us with to show people how amazing God is.  May we always embrace the openhanded life of generosity!

  • How can you increase your generosity this week in each of the three areas of blessings:
    • Your time?
    • Your talents?
    • Your treasure?

Pray that God would direct you to specific areas where you can give your time, talents, and treasures to show people the love of Jesus.