Wk 5 // August 31 & September 1

August 31 & September 1, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • What is your favorite inspirational movie of all time and why?
  • What is the most inspirational thing you’ve ever personally witnessed another person achieve in their life?

When we were young, we always dreamed about doing big things with our lives.  The difficulties of life have a tragic way of slowly robbing us of those dreams.  When Jesus said that he came to give us life more abundantly, reinstating our ability to dream big and achieve miraculously with his help… well, that was exactly the kind of thing he meant!

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Matthew 25:14-23
  • What obstacles did you have to overcome to come into a relationship with Jesus?
  • What is the most surprising truth you’ve learned about God (or following Jesus) since becoming a Christian?

To know God is to understand our purpose.  He gifts, and we are responsible for the usage of those gifts.  To know him means to know how to best put our gifts to work.  To shy away from intimacy with Jesus can only lead to confusion and failure.  God wants better for us!

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Matthew 25:24-30
  • How have you been blessed and gifted in ways others might not have been?
  • What do you hope to accomplish in your life with what God has trusted you with?

May we never hear the words of the third servant in this story!  Living a life that makes God proud is the single greatest experience of any human being.  This is why we pray for guidance, we trust for strength, and we return often for reassurance.  God is not only the Master who will call us to account.  He is also the light that guides our steps and the comforter that binds our wounds.  He will never leave or forsake us and he is cheering us on each and every day.  May we walk each step in this life with that truth on our minds and hearts!

  • What is one specific thing you can do this week to use your blessings to bring people closer to Jesus?
  • What is one area of your life where you are going to be praying for a greater amount of faith in God to do something big?

Pray that God would show himself to you in incredible ways this week as you use your gifts for his glory.