Wk 2 // September 14 & 15

September 14 & 15, 2024
Small Group Study

Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes. 
  • What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
  • Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
  • Was there anything that challenged you?

  • When you were younger, what was the dumbest thing you did that you can laugh about now?
  • What is the smartest decision you made when you were younger that is still paying off today in some way?

If only we had the power to see the future, right?  It would be great to know the stuff that would turn out badly and the paths that would pay off big.  God hasn’t trusted us with that power, and many of us know exactly why… we’d probably use it for no good.  God knows that the only way for us to get to the life He desires for us is for us to walk in step with Him and trust him along the way.  

STUDY  [tap on scripture to read]

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Galatians 5:19-21 
  • In your opinion, is there a difference between living like this versus committing one of these sins?  If so, where is the line between the two?
  • Which of these do you have to ask God’s help to protect you against most so that it doesn’t wreck your life?

We’ve all done things to wreck our lives.  Our sinful nature (or flesh) screams at us from the youngest of ages compelling us to choose that which is toxic, less than, destructive, etc..  All we have to do is go with the flow and we will find ourselves wrecked.  A life without God’s intervention and power in our lives we will always find a way to wreck it.  

HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ  Galatians 5:22-24 
  • How have you seen God bless you with one of these “fruits” in your life?
  • Which of these “fruits” are you still praying for God to give you in abundance?

Praise God that we are not left to our own devices.  Jesus knew the uphill battle we had to climb due to our own choices.  God was simply not okay leaving us to fend for ourselves.  But it is our choice whether or not we will welcome the fruits of the Spirit into our daily lives.  Choose that which draws you away from your own destructive desires!

  • What is one thing you can do this week to get further away from one or more of the acts of the “flesh”?
  • What is one specific thing you can do to embrace the fruits of the Spirit this week?

Pray that God would give you even more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.