Wk 3 // September 21 & 22
September 21 & 22, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
Certain moments in life come quite unexpectedly. As much as we desire to be prepared for anything, that is simply not possible. Happy surprises and blindsiding disruptions catch us off guard, and we are left grappling with how to process and move forward. Lucky for us, God loves us and is never caught off guard!
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ Genesis 37:14-33
It is difficult to process how betrayed Joseph must have felt by his brothers. When those closest to us fail us in significant ways, it can severely rock us to the core. It is in those blindsiding moments that we have a choice. We can get bitter or we can allow God to make us better. We serve a great God who is always ready to help us with even the worst that this life throws at us.
How much work must Joseph and God put in on the condition of Joseph’s heart?!? It is truly miraculous when we can pull back from our own anguish and view circumstances from heaven’s perspective. This is the only way to truly forgive and to heal from the darkest things life puts us through. Perspective is key to loving like God, forgiving like God, and accepting the forgiveness of God.
Pray that God would empower you to see life disruptions as opportunities for God to show off in your life.
September 21 & 22, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
- What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
- Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
- Was there anything that challenged you?
- What is a time you hilariously surprised someone (or someone surprised you) - prank, surprise party, etc.?
- What is the best on-air blooper you’ve seen?
Certain moments in life come quite unexpectedly. As much as we desire to be prepared for anything, that is simply not possible. Happy surprises and blindsiding disruptions catch us off guard, and we are left grappling with how to process and move forward. Lucky for us, God loves us and is never caught off guard!
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ Genesis 37:14-33
- What is the most common way your life gets disrupted by small unexpected frustrations?
- What is the largest blindside disruption you’ve experienced and how are you doing in your healing process?
It is difficult to process how betrayed Joseph must have felt by his brothers. When those closest to us fail us in significant ways, it can severely rock us to the core. It is in those blindsiding moments that we have a choice. We can get bitter or we can allow God to make us better. We serve a great God who is always ready to help us with even the worst that this life throws at us.
- When was a time God changed your perspective on a disruption that had happened to you?
- How do you know when you’ve forgiven a person who has wronged you?
How much work must Joseph and God put in on the condition of Joseph’s heart?!? It is truly miraculous when we can pull back from our own anguish and view circumstances from heaven’s perspective. This is the only way to truly forgive and to heal from the darkest things life puts us through. Perspective is key to loving like God, forgiving like God, and accepting the forgiveness of God.
- What life disruption(s) are you dealing with right now that you need God’s help with?
- Who are you asking God to help you to forgive?
Pray that God would empower you to see life disruptions as opportunities for God to show off in your life.