Wk 3 // October 12 & 13
October 12 & 13, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
The English word “perfect” is a funny and confusing word. We throw around cliche phrases like “practice makes perfect”, “perfect storm”, “picture perfect”, etc., all the while knowing that perfection as an absolute all-encompassing concept doesn’t really exist in this imperfect world. This still doesn’t change the fact that we are drawn toward the pursuit of perfection. We desire wholeness from a world that his lacking at best. We strive for flawless every time we come face to face with flaws in the mirror. It’s almost as if something or someone who is perfect, has given us a hunger for his perfection.
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
Fair should be perfect, but we are simply imperfect. We have a tendency to split hairs on definitions in order to sway or warp fairness in our favor. Praise God that he is a God who desires our hearts first and foremost. A perfect heart will soon give way to more a perfect lifestyle.
HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ Matthew 5:43-6:1
It is easy to state that Jesus is perfect. It is much more difficult to consistently drive ourselves toward that same perfection. Although God understands fully our imperfect state, he loves us enough to call us toward perfection. And we all look forward to the day when we are forever called home and out of the imperfection with which we are all too familiar in the here and now.
Pray that God would show you each day this week what perfection can look like in your daily life.
October 12 & 13, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
- What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
- Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
- Was there anything that challenged you?
- What is the most perfect trip or vacation you’ve ever been on? What made it so perfect?
- Who is the most perfect person you know or have known? What is so amazing about them?
The English word “perfect” is a funny and confusing word. We throw around cliche phrases like “practice makes perfect”, “perfect storm”, “picture perfect”, etc., all the while knowing that perfection as an absolute all-encompassing concept doesn’t really exist in this imperfect world. This still doesn’t change the fact that we are drawn toward the pursuit of perfection. We desire wholeness from a world that his lacking at best. We strive for flawless every time we come face to face with flaws in the mirror. It’s almost as if something or someone who is perfect, has given us a hunger for his perfection.
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
- If verse 38 is fair, why are we called to verses 39-42? Is fair imperfect?
- How are you doing at reacting perfectly when confronted with situations that are unjust or unfair? Explain your answer.
Fair should be perfect, but we are simply imperfect. We have a tendency to split hairs on definitions in order to sway or warp fairness in our favor. Praise God that he is a God who desires our hearts first and foremost. A perfect heart will soon give way to more a perfect lifestyle.
HAVE A VOLUNTEER READ Matthew 5:43-6:1
- Based on this section of Scripture, what makes you a child of God?
- Based on this section of Scripture, what specifically would be different in your life if you were perfect like Jesus?
It is easy to state that Jesus is perfect. It is much more difficult to consistently drive ourselves toward that same perfection. Although God understands fully our imperfect state, he loves us enough to call us toward perfection. And we all look forward to the day when we are forever called home and out of the imperfection with which we are all too familiar in the here and now.
- What is one step toward perfection that you can take this week?
- With whom can you seek to mend a relationship that you’ve handled imperfectly?
Pray that God would show you each day this week what perfection can look like in your daily life.