Wk 5 // October 26 & 27
October 26 & 27, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
We all have things we want and things we need. We express those to one another and to God sometimes in ways that are formal and sometimes in ways that can be… messy. God invites us into honest candid times of expressing our desires, confessing our sins, and lifting up those who need God to intervene in their lives. Prayer doesn’t have to be scripted or formal, but it does need to be consistent and intimate.
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
We don’t know much about Lois and Eunice mentioned in this passage, but… WOW, what a legacy! How cool would it be to be spoken about in the pages of Scripture as having had such amazing faith that it was worth drawing attention to? May we all strive to leave the kind of legacy where others would reflect well after we are gone on how much we loved Jesus and others!
What will they think of me if I speak up? What if I freeze and can’t find the words to say? What right do I have to talk about Jesus with my past being so messy? There will always be reasons to be timid about making disciples. But remember, reasons aren’t excuses. May we all use the boldness given to us by the Holy Spirit and not rely on whatever bravery we can muster up on our own!
Pray that God would help you to engage in prayer in a powerful way this week and lead you to people who need to hear how amazing Jesus is.
October 26 & 27, 2024
Small Group Study
Spend a few minutes recapping this week's sermon together.
Tap here to view the sermon notes.
- What was one takeaway from this week's sermon for you?
- Were there any stories, ideas, or points that stuck out?
- Was there anything that challenged you?
- God is not Santa Claus and shouldn’t be treated that way, but… what’s one thing on your wishlist for Christmas this year?
- What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard someone say while praying?
We all have things we want and things we need. We express those to one another and to God sometimes in ways that are formal and sometimes in ways that can be… messy. God invites us into honest candid times of expressing our desires, confessing our sins, and lifting up those who need God to intervene in their lives. Prayer doesn’t have to be scripted or formal, but it does need to be consistent and intimate.
STUDY [tap on scripture to read]
- What legacy of faith do you come from and what legacy do you believe you are leaving behind?
- Pastor Mike issued a prayer challenge for each day this week. What day has been (or do you think will be) your strongest day and what day has been (or do you think might be) your weakest day of the challenge?
- Monday - Pray with a family member or friend every day.
- Tuesday - Pray for your Church, pastors, your country, and the upcoming election.
- Wednesday - Pray you would be a disciple who makes disciples every day.
- Thursday - Practice praying out loud and on your knees.
- Friday - Ask someone to pray for you and ask someone if you can pray for them.
- Saturday - Pray for something so big only God can do it.
- Sunday - Pray and ask God what is my part in loving better.
We don’t know much about Lois and Eunice mentioned in this passage, but… WOW, what a legacy! How cool would it be to be spoken about in the pages of Scripture as having had such amazing faith that it was worth drawing attention to? May we all strive to leave the kind of legacy where others would reflect well after we are gone on how much we loved Jesus and others!
- When was a time you were too timid and missed an opportunity to share Jesus or your testimony?
- When was a time you were bolder than you expected and you felt God using you in a big way?
What will they think of me if I speak up? What if I freeze and can’t find the words to say? What right do I have to talk about Jesus with my past being so messy? There will always be reasons to be timid about making disciples. But remember, reasons aren’t excuses. May we all use the boldness given to us by the Holy Spirit and not rely on whatever bravery we can muster up on our own!
- What is one thing you can try this week to better make disciples in your family or those in your life over whom you have the most influence?
- How can you better discipline your time to prioritize prayer and making disciples?
Pray that God would help you to engage in prayer in a powerful way this week and lead you to people who need to hear how amazing Jesus is.