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Breakfast With Santa // Winter
Groups can sign up to help with preparing or serving breakfast. There are also opportunities for event setup and hospitality.
Easter Egg Hunt // Spring
Groups can help fill Easter Eggs with candy and prizes ahead of the event. There are also opportunities for event setup and hospitality.
Food Pantry & Clothing Closet // Saturdays
Medway's Food Pantry and Clothing Closet are open on Saturday mornings from 10am to Noon.
Grief & Baby Blankets // Throughout the Year
Groups can help Medway Church wrap those who are mourning(and celebrating) in a warm hug. Blankets of all types are desired (quilt, fleece, crochet, and knit). Preferred lapghan size (approximately 42" 48" X 38")
IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) // Scheduled weeks throughout the year
Medway Church partners with IHN in Springfield to help families and single women who are temporarily homeless. Every 8 weeks we provide a week of home-cooked meals and a friendly face. Groups can sign up to cook all or part of a meal, serve an evening meal, or donate food items to be used for IHN meals.
KIDSWAY Toy Cleaning // Throughout the Year
Groups can help clean and sanitize toys and equipment throughout KIDSWAY.
Starting Point Party // Quarterly
Starting Point Party is a quarterly event designed to give those who are new to Medway an opportunity to meet our staff, learn more about our church, and ask questions about our ministries. Small Groups can sign up to serve lunch and provide hospitality in order to create a welcoming environment for anyone who attends.
Treat Your Street // Fall
All groups are encouraged to practice radical hospitality in their own communities by providing special food items, beverages, or other "treats" to children and adults while they are out Trick-or-Treating.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) // Summer
VBS is our largest outreach of the year with plenty of service opportunities for individuals and small groups. In the weeks leading up to VBS we are always looking for groups who can help plan, prepare, and decorate. During the week of VBS we have opportunities for servants whether you can serve all five days or just one or two.
Winter Food Drive // Late Winter
Help is always needed following the drive to sort, inventory, and move the collected food items.
Yard Sale for Missions // Summer
Each year we hold a yard sale that raises thousands of dollars for local and global missions. Groups of servants are needed to help collect and organize the items people donate to be sold, to provide hospitality and help sell items, and to clean up and donate remaining items after the sale ends.
Groups can sign up to help with preparing or serving breakfast. There are also opportunities for event setup and hospitality.
Easter Egg Hunt // Spring
Groups can help fill Easter Eggs with candy and prizes ahead of the event. There are also opportunities for event setup and hospitality.
Food Pantry & Clothing Closet // Saturdays
Medway's Food Pantry and Clothing Closet are open on Saturday mornings from 10am to Noon.
Grief & Baby Blankets // Throughout the Year
Groups can help Medway Church wrap those who are mourning(and celebrating) in a warm hug. Blankets of all types are desired (quilt, fleece, crochet, and knit). Preferred lapghan size (approximately 42" 48" X 38")
IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) // Scheduled weeks throughout the year
Medway Church partners with IHN in Springfield to help families and single women who are temporarily homeless. Every 8 weeks we provide a week of home-cooked meals and a friendly face. Groups can sign up to cook all or part of a meal, serve an evening meal, or donate food items to be used for IHN meals.
KIDSWAY Toy Cleaning // Throughout the Year
Groups can help clean and sanitize toys and equipment throughout KIDSWAY.
Starting Point Party // Quarterly
Starting Point Party is a quarterly event designed to give those who are new to Medway an opportunity to meet our staff, learn more about our church, and ask questions about our ministries. Small Groups can sign up to serve lunch and provide hospitality in order to create a welcoming environment for anyone who attends.
Treat Your Street // Fall
All groups are encouraged to practice radical hospitality in their own communities by providing special food items, beverages, or other "treats" to children and adults while they are out Trick-or-Treating.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) // Summer
VBS is our largest outreach of the year with plenty of service opportunities for individuals and small groups. In the weeks leading up to VBS we are always looking for groups who can help plan, prepare, and decorate. During the week of VBS we have opportunities for servants whether you can serve all five days or just one or two.
Winter Food Drive // Late Winter
Help is always needed following the drive to sort, inventory, and move the collected food items.
Yard Sale for Missions // Summer
Each year we hold a yard sale that raises thousands of dollars for local and global missions. Groups of servants are needed to help collect and organize the items people donate to be sold, to provide hospitality and help sell items, and to clean up and donate remaining items after the sale ends.
Clark County Park Service // clarkcountyparks.org/get-involved
Crayons to Classrooms // dc2c.org/volunteer-opportunities
Dayton Food Bank // thefoodbankdayton.org/take-action
Dayton Life Enrichment Center // daytonlec.org/volunteer
Five Rivers Metroparks // metroparks.org/make-a-difference/volunteer
Habitat for Humanity of Dayton & Habitat ReStore // daytonhabitat.org/volunteer
Rebuilding Together Dayton // rtdayton.org/volunteer
Salvation Army // kroc.salvationarmy.org/DaytonKroc/volunteer
Target Dayton // targetdayton.com/volunteer
Crayons to Classrooms // dc2c.org/volunteer-opportunities
Dayton Food Bank // thefoodbankdayton.org/take-action
Dayton Life Enrichment Center // daytonlec.org/volunteer
Five Rivers Metroparks // metroparks.org/make-a-difference/volunteer
Habitat for Humanity of Dayton & Habitat ReStore // daytonhabitat.org/volunteer
Rebuilding Together Dayton // rtdayton.org/volunteer
Salvation Army // kroc.salvationarmy.org/DaytonKroc/volunteer
Target Dayton // targetdayton.com/volunteer